Ireland Used Collection

RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank

RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank

RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank   RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank

"1st Marquess of Anglesey" Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank. Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey.

May 1768 - 29 April 1854, styled. 1812 and known as the.

He took part in the. And then commanded the cavalry. His cavalry showed distinct superiority over. Their French counterparts at the. He defeated the elite chasseurs of the.

He led the charge of the. End of the battle he lost.

In later life he served twice as. He was born Henry Bayley, the eldest son of.

Henry Bayley-Paget, 1st Earl of Uxbridge. Champagné, daughter of the Very Reverend. His father assumed the surname Paget in 1770. A seat he held until the.

Was elected unopposed in his. In 1804 by appointment as. To January 1810, when he took the Chiltern. At the outbreak of the. Paget raised a regiment of Staffordshire volunteers and was given the temporary.

The unit took part in the. Of 1794 under Paget's command. He was formally commissioned into the. And received rapid promotion, first to. Also on 14 April 1795.

On 19 May 1795 and then to lieutenant-colonel in the 80th. Regiment of Foot on 30 May 1795.

He transferred to the command of the. On 3 May 1796, he was given command of. He commanded a cavalry brigade at the. On 29 April 1802 and. He commanded the cavalry for.

His cavalry showed distinct superiority over their. December 1808, where his men captured two French lieutenant colonels and so.

That they ceased to exist. He also commanded the cavalry at the. In December 1808, where he defeated the elite chasseurs of the French. Then commanded the cavalry again during the. His liaison with Lady Charlotte, the wife of.

Afterwards Lord Cowley, made it impossible subsequently for him to serve. His only war service from 1809 to 1815 was in the. 1809, during which he commanded an infantry division. In 1810 he was divorced and then married Lady.

Charlotte, who had been divorced from her husband around the same time. He inherited the title of. On his father's death in March 1812 and. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of.

He was appointed cavalry commander in. Under the still resentful eye of Wellington. 16 June 1815 and at the. Days later, when he led the spectacular charge of the British heavy cavalry. Column which checked and in part routed the French Army.

One of the last cannon. Shots fired that day hit Paget in the.

According to anecdote, he was close to. Wellington when his leg was hit, and exclaimed, By God, sir, I've lost my. " - to which Wellington replied, "By God, sir, so you have! During the amputation Paget smiled and said.

I have had a pretty long run. I have been a beau these 47 years and it. Would not be fair to cut the young men out any longer. While Paget had an articulated. Meanwhile had a somewhat macabre. After-life as a tourist attraction in the village of. In Belgium, to which it had been removed and.

Where it was later interred. A 27-metre (89 ft) high. Close to Paget's country retreat at. He was also appointed a.

RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank   RARE! Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Sir Henry Paget Hand Signed Free Frank